The participants were shown an item, taken from the possessions of someone, who was believed to have had some form of contact with each of the participants at least once. The particular item was chosen, because it seemed most likely not to evoke associations other than its acquired operational characteristics. It was therefore considered to be better suited as an aid for the participants to delineate their personal networks without having to take into account any circumstances or events that had, at any point, led to or had contributed to the establishment or modification of the network or any of its constituents part(s).
(2): of the chosen kind of property, a particular instance had to be selected, an instance, which we could observe on its flow process, follow it as it develops its own copies and mutations (and mutate itself) to the point where it either ceases to exist or has mutated to such extent that it cannot be recognized in its original form. Network progression deriving from entities themselves (and their possible conflicts) was of no interest. The property's ability to exploit its environment dynamically in a way that would influence and develop it to the property's own economic advantage was taken into account, but had to be ignored, if the observation was to remain objective and in line with its own intention. We then eliminated all systematic rules of the observation from the method in order to produce a simulation of all occurrences that would paint a picture of what had happened as if no interference had taken place.
Based on a well known support inventory, the members of the individual personal networks (as delineated) were then temporarily categorized into seven domains: socialization, material assistance, constructive feedback, intimate interaction, economic collaboration (which usually existed in the bond between 'running partners'), information exchange and relationships with clients. The resulting construct of overlapping networks was subsequently stripped off its categorizations and, while excluding quantitative aspects as well as substantive qualities in respect of the consisting units and the network as a whole, the attention was turned to the properties flowing between the units. It was believed the observation of properties and their flow processes would allow for the mechanisms, which enable these processes, to be identified without inferring anything about the entities on which they rest.
Furthermore, it was hoped that by preventing the emergence of properties, whose purpose went beyond the pure facilitation of flow processes as such, a framework could be established, which would entice the production of entities (and the modification of all existing entities towards the same end) whose actions would enable the establishment and provision of circumstances that would only allow activities concerned with the economic survival of the network, its constituents and their flow processes. [Assuming the existence of such conditions would entail the perfect scenario for any inter-entity communication, since the purpose of the entity's communication could then be equated with the purpose of the entity itself.] It was therefore concluded that the observation could only produce the desired results if its framework was designed in a way that would require the properties to act and react within a clearly defined boundary of preconditions, which would be adverse to any inconclusive outcome. Our particular method of observation was therefore based on the following two preconditions:
(1): the kind of property chosen for the observation had to have the theoretical capactity to:
visit any given node of the network more than once, therefore travel around the network indefinetly, produce multiple copies of the same instance (of the property), and spread these copies in simultaneous transmission.
text from R review magazine, volume 9, January 2005, page 3, paragraph 4, Network Instrument
posted: 21:41:14; 16-07-2008
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